Monday, December 23, 2019

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

First of all, I would like to start off by saying that you have my boss to thank for my latest manic episode. Why is this, you ask? Well it’s because she just recently had her first child and all throughout the entire pregnancy, she acted like a total dude about it. Don’t get me wrong, she was excited that she was having a baby and all but she was not a fan of the being pregnant piece of it. She missed being able to drink, run, and basically do any of the things that normal human beings do, such as walking around the house without having an eight-pound kangaroo in your pouch. So, by the time she finally had the baby, she felt this overwhelming sense of relief but then one day out of the blue she told me “you know what Kelly? Once you actually have the baby, it totally changes everything”.

Well wouldn’t you know it, that very night I had a horrible nightmare that my girlfriend and I had a baby! First of all, neither of us want to have a baby AT ALL, so the mere fact that I’m even typing this is making me nervous and nauseous. But when the baby came out, I felt like a complete jerk because I didn’t feel any different about having a child, I was just like “meh”. I mean, the baby looked like me and all, which is good, but she just had a really big head and simply laid there while doing nothing. That is until it was my turn to take care of her and she started talking! And I don’t mean goo goo ga ga talk, I mean she spoke fluent English with a little Spanish mixed in for some flavor! I of course started freaking out! And the worst part was she still wasn’t potty trained, so she continued to poop on herself just to be a jerk. So here I am with this snarky alien baby and I don’t know what to do. It was at the point that she started critiquing my Spotify Top 10 Artists of 2019 list that I woke up yelling in a cold sweat!

Why did I just waste 372 words telling you this? Well first of all, that’s what this blog is, a funny waste of time, but these words also serve as a forewarning! Don’t let professional schemers like Hollywood execs, comic book nerds, or even friendly strippers trick you into something you know is going to be terrible with their seducing words and/or dances. After watching The Last Jedi, I knew there was no way The Rise of Skywalker would be any good. Last Jedi had everything going for it; a fairly decent The Force Awakens and an excellent Rogue One to proceed it and it also had the uber talented Rian Johnson writing and directing it. And what wound up happening? We got zombie princesses flying through space, a new character that fans somehow hated more than Jar Jar Binks, and Morton Downey Jr being reincarnated as Luke Skywalker (dated reference but you get the point).

So, if that movie failed, there’s no way J.J. Abrams of all people could save the franchise. But there I was, staying up late on a school night hoping like hell that this wouldn’t be the new Game of Thrones. Well I’m sorry to say it kids but I was served a shit sandwich; one that was a lot stinkier than the one my imaginary baby gave me in my dreams. I’d say to watch out for spoilers but this movie is already rotten to the core, so there’s no spoiling going on here.

First of all, nothing in the movie makes any sense; characters die and miraculously come back, people are saved in the most ridiculous of ways, and jedi masters apparently can’t recognize jedi mind tricks. The last example of just a few of my many complaints is a bit nerdy but still, if I’m seeing a movie at midnight, I get to be nerdy dammit! Remember when Avatar first came out and it was the first time 3-D was done right? Everyone was losing their minds over it! But now that we’ve been overexposed to 3-D, you look back and realize that movie is almost unwatchable because the story was lame and the acting in it makes Keanu Reeves seem like Robert DeNiro.

Well it’s the same with CGI, when we were first exposed to CGI, plots weren’t really necessary because you were just amazed by what you were experiencing visually. But now that it’s been around for some time, you can’t get away with having a thin plot and hope that giving the audience 2 hours of mindless and pointless CGI battles will work. Keep in mind that this is an action junkie who just typed those words. After about an hour into this nonsense, I was already looking down at my watch to see how much time was left. 98% of what happened in the movies that preceded it meant absolutely nothing in this film. All of the relationships that were formed were for the most part discarded, love interests mysteriously went away, and love her or hate her, poor Rose was relegated to one liners and about 5 minutes of screen time.

Now Skywalker wasn’t all bad; there was some unintentional freshness in it. The fact that an 82-year-old Billy Dee Williams was just hanging out at an alien Mardi-Gras hoping to see some boobs was kind of tight. The Emperor looking like an electro DJ at a rave at the end while destroying spaceships was entertaining. And the little weird underground doctor that worked on C-3PO was genuinely funny but 20 minutes of freshness does not make up for the other 2 hours of lameness I had to sit through.

I thought about changing the rating of Wack to Trash but it’s hard for me to call someone’s art trash and honestly this movie isn’t quite that bad, so I’ll just give a rating of really, really WEAK! Go watch Queen and Slim instead and wear condoms. Be safe out there kids!
Image result for the rise of skywalker

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