Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Guest

It seems like everyone who is making music or movies these days is falling in love with the 80's all over again. Everyone remembers the cool music, the movies that had these great endings where the lead characters always had something over the top and awesome happen to them, and of course the unforgettable and tasty Mr. T cereal. It's easy to reflect on these things however if we focus on the good then we also cannot forget the bad that came with it. Not to be a downer or anything but I was alive in the 80's and that time period also brought us AIDS, the rise of crack (some people see this as a good thing) and sadly Andrew Dice Clay (ooooh)!

But with all of that said I still love the 80's for what they were and I have to say that last night I saw the best 80's horror flick that has been made since that odd and wonderful decade. The Guest is full of random weirdness that doesn't have much explanation behind it at all, and when you're not really sure why these horrible things are happening all around you it makes them become all the scarier.

I have no desire to see the show Downton Abbey but one of its stars Dan Stevens totally gets the vibe of this story and he nails his role. His character David mysteriously shows up claiming to be a close friend of the Peterson's fallen son from their time in the army. And at first he appears to be the perfect gentleman but when no one is around you can see that something is totally off with him. He is almost alien like with his demeanor and his calculated movements and everything he does seems to have a plan behind it as he charms each member of the household while attempting to improve their lives. But all of a sudden weird things start happening around town and the family's daughter Anna begins to question the character of their new house guest.

I wasn't much of a fan of director Adam Wingard's You're Next because his attempt at humor in it completely missed with me but it's spot on in this film; some of David's facial expressions alone will have you laughing out loud in the theater. And I have to say that the film's score is killer (no pun intended) as it does for this movie what Drive's score did for it, just to another level.

Once you reach the film's final scenes it's almost like you're watching the classics Carrie or Prom Night and any movie that reminds me of those awesome flicks automatically gets a rating of very FRESH!

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