This movie had all the makings of being awful! It's a big budget movie full of fx, a brand name, tons of movie stars, and a writer who used to pen for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Yes, you read that correctly, freaking Angel!!!! Not to mention that outside of the first Ironman, all of the other set up movies were sub par at best. Thor was terrible and forgettable, Captain America was decent but overall boring, the Hulk movies were inconsistent, and Ironman 2 was really just The Avengers prequel with nothing special about it except for Sam Rockwell's dancing.
Did I mention that all of the heroes seemed a bit old? I love Downey but he's old. I hate Mark Scrubballo and he's old. Sam Jacko is old and didnt even yell "We must get these mf'n Avengers to fight these mf'n aliens!!" And the main bad guy, Loki, looked like someone from 30 Seconds to Mars. As a matter of fact, I'm just going to refer to him as Mars from here on out. How could this possibly work? You have all of these characters played by stars who each have their own 200 million dollar movies under their belt; this can't help but be a convoluted mess of a story.
Well after bashing Joss Whedon for writng Angel and the sophomoric Cabin in the Woods, he really came through here. First off, this movie is really funny! Everything that comes out of Downey's mouth is comic gold. Plus as Tony Stark he just automatically adds this element of cool; being a billionaire, genius, playboy, and philanthropist, as he says. I don't want to spoil anything for you, but there are a few gags they pull off with the Hulk that are show stoppers too. Second, and most importantly, he actually finds a way to incorporate every hero in the story without it seeming forced or it becoming too tortuous with multiple story lines. There seems to be a good chemistry between all of the actors and an unexpected cool story line involving Hawkeye and Black Widow. It was good to see Scarlett Johansson actually given something to do besides just standing there looking hot in tight leather. Wait...what am I saying??? This is always enough! And Mars, with the excellent dialogue he was provided, was actually pretty evil. Although the entire movie I kept waiting for Forest Whitaker and Dwight Yoakum to slap him around (this is a Panic Room ref btw if that's too obscure for you). I would suggest seeing this movie Sunday through Thursday to avoid the kids that will be in the audience on the weekend but I would definitely give this movie a rating of TIGHT! Which is the exact opposite of what I was expecting.
LOL very tight review.