Sunday, March 25, 2012

About Only Freshness

First off, let me start by saying this blog is certainly not for everyone. I know that I am stating the obvious but in some recent encounters I've realized that you need to state the obvious so there's no confusion. For example "Um, no I have no idea where the rodeo is". I'm a black guy who wears fingerless gloves for no apparent reason, this should be obvious to you but apparently not.

Anyway, this blog is here to help you determine which of the many bands you should actually waste your time listening to. In a time where anyone who can play a ukulele and a triangle can form a band and gain instant success just by posting a few youtube videos,  its hard sometimes to decipher through all of these awful bands to see who actually has talent. For some reason people think I have good taste in music and my library grows every year with my access to the such awesome festivals such as SXSW, Austin City Limits, FFFfest, and Psychfest just to name a few. I treat discovering new bands like it's my job for some weird reason, but i love it! You will get a feel for the type of music I like as this goes but just know that the grading scale works on a Wack to Tight scoring system. Wack being the worst thing ever, Weak meaning they're terrible but there's some redeeming value in them, Fresh meaning a really good band that I'd recommend, and then Tight which means they are the greatest thing ever.

This blog will also help you when it comes to movies. I see literally over 100 movies in the theater a year, so instead of you wasting your hard earned money on flops; please allow me to waste my money first so that  I can tell you whether its fresh or weak. Could save you from wasting 40 bucks and possibly getting a night on the couch.

Oh well, should be fun


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