Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

It’s not often that I fall asleep during a movie, let alone three times during the same one; but that is exactly what happened when I saw the first Hobbit. There was one scene in particular where I believe it was Gandalf that was talking to Cate Blanchett the elf, that ran for so long that I fell asleep, woke myself up snoring, looked around and saw that they were STILL talking! And the sad thing is, its not just this movie but all of these fantasy movies that run way too long! Is it because these nerds don’t have as many opportunities as they did in the past to tell their stories of frolicking dwarfs, flying horses, and trolls that fall in love? I don’t remember Willow or Krull having to break their stories up into trilogies that lasted 15 hours a piece. Willow fell in love with Princess Elora within 5 minutes! And if these movies are supposed to be marketed for the whole family, how do they expect a kid to stay interested for 3 hours if I cant keep myself awake without having to fantasize about Elven porn just to mix things up.

This movie opens up with a 5 minute Quentin Tarantino style discussion that takes place between Gandalf and Thorin, and it is accompanied by soap opera music every time something profound is said. It’s a total rip off of Obi Wan meeting Han Solo in the alien bar from Star Wars but it just sets the table for what is to come later in the movie. Once you get past the silliness of it, it’s actually a cool little tie in into how they all came together in the first Hobbit and it also takes you right into the action. The plot is unbelievably simple, they need Bilbo the master thief to steal an arc stone from some giant mountain that is heavily guarded by the deadly dragon Smaug so that Thorin can then unite everyone against a great evil that is brewing in the world. I mean come on! Why not just call it what we all know you were using for inspiration when you wrote the story in the first place, THE NOTHING! Anyway, Peter Jackson (the director) takes you through a magical forest that is full of giant spiders and tricky elves while doing some cool things along the way with everyone’s favorite ring, the Precious. Also while on their journey, you meet humans and you see the dwarfs and Bilbo repeatedly trying to avoid the evil Orgs.

There is absolutely no reason why this story couldn’t be told in 2 hours or less; tell your story and fill it with plenty of short but effective action scenes, its really not that hard. No, not Peter Jackson; he feels the need to take a somewhat interesting story and stretch it out for as long as he possibly can. It’s like he watched way too many seasons of Mad Men and felt like their writers were challenging him. “Oh you think YOU can put people to sleep, just watch what I have in store for you!” I am an action junkie, so the more action the better is usually my take on a movie. But even I know that these scenes shouldn’t last for 40 minutes. In theory it sounds tight but in actual practice you end up with Steven Spielberg 2.0. You have characters running through de facto obstacle courses and ridiculous attempts at humor. So basically the scene loses its effect and you’re stuck thinking about elven porn again.

There is one scene that so blatantly steals from Temple of Doom that I was just waiting for one of the dwarfs to all of a sudden develop a Chinese accent and start yelling “Doctor Bilbo, Doctor Bilbo!! Ooooooh you cheat Doctor Bilbo! You cheat!!!” And while we’re at it, why not just offend everyone and have one of the dwarfs yell “Oh sexy girlfriend, you need to start yanking my wankie! The Donger need tang!” This is a reference to a weird love story that takes place between an elf and a dwarf.

I liked this movie but it runs way too long, just in case you haven’t picked up on that yet. I actually stayed awake the entire time and I loved the cliffhanger ending. It's yet another “ode” to Empire Strikes Back or even the Matrix Reloaded; but I can’t fault him for that. I rate this movie as barely FRESH but suggest that you watch it at home, so you can break it up over a few days.

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