Thursday, April 5, 2012

Scary Love

So I will readily admit that my music taste can be heavily  influenced by my taste in women at the time. Growing up I had a small secret crush on Chaka Khan, yes I Feel For You, Chaka Khan. My thoughts were, "wow, she can really sing and you know she can cook too because she's a little big" (sad that I already had these thoughts as a child). But this led to me liking the slightly out of shape Janet Jackson and of course the fresh out of Destiny's Child, two cheeseburgers away from having the best badonkadonk ever, Beyonce. Soon after, my tastes started leaning towards to the goth girls. The super skinny, too much mascara Fiona Apple to even Veruca Salt. Now I know both of those are a stretch for goth girls but hey it was a start for a kid from small town Texas; and let's be honest, most goth girl bands suck. But this year at SXSW I found a bridge between both worlds.

Her name is Chelsea Wolfe and to be frank, she kind of scares of me! Check out her pic below. At age 9 she would sneak in the studio and record warped goth covers of R&B songs. Sadly noone ever heard them. But now she's comfortable with her style and it ranges from folk to rock and covers everything from light positive music to very dark material. Some of which is too dark for even me which is saying  a lot! I've rocked out at shows where dude comes flying out of the ceiling in a cage rocking wings and horns while screaming "love" songs to the crowd. But give her a shot for yourself, she has a song for every kind of mood you're in. I missed her at SX because I was star chasing that night, trying to get into Jack White's or the Jay Z show that never happened. Please please, no need, I'll "Boo!!!!" myself. But I will put her as slightly fresh mainly because she's hot and she might stab me if I say otherwise.

The next band is Indian Handcrafts, not to be confused with Indian Jewelry. These guys are a two piece Canadian band. And when I walked into the show I was expecting them to sound like every other two piece I had heard recently. But as I was reaching for my vodka redbull to wake me up a bit, I heard this unbelievably loud scream from the mic followed by the hardest riffs I had heard in a while. I initially thought I had walked into the wrong show when I looked up and saw it was indeed the right band. If you are longing for old school true hard rock these guys are for you. Take some ear plugs to the show because you will definitely need them.They take turns singing lyrics and at times sound like pre Load Metallica especially when they come out their musical breakdowns which you can't help but find yourself head nodding to. For the record I am not really a Metallica fan but the few songs of theirs I actually do like happen to sound like this. As a side note, is there anything worse than having a famous 50 year old former rock n roll groupie in your music video to just come on say "dah dah dah daaah dah dah dah dah"???(check The Memory Remains) For shame Metallica, for shame. And how does one become a famous groupie? Oh well another discussion for another time. Indian Handcrafts just released their album and it is definitely worth you picking up. This way they can come back and say more awesome things like this when they are tired "We're sorry but we are not used to your American lifestyle of non stop drinking and constant beef eating. We can't wait to get back to Canada to enjoy our free healthcare". Word. These guys are definitely fresh.

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