After seeing the first Bourne movie I loved it so much that decided to make my friends take a trip overseas with me. Which required that I get a passport. So instead of taking a normal photo, I decided to give my Jason Bourne pose and it didn't turn out anywhere near as cool as I expected it to. This is back when I was a little husky, so the pic ended up looking like an Emmanuel Lewis mug shot after he got caught soliciting prostitutes that looked like Tattoo from Fantasy Island. Um yeah...not so fresh. Sadly I didn't stop there. I also felt the need to get a safety deposit box just to hold my passport and a few gambling winnings I had. But it couldn't be just be any normal safety deposit box but one that required hand print identification for you to access it. It took me two weekends and a trip out to the boonies to finally find one. Clearly I didn't have a girlfriend at the time.
I guess the point is, I REALLY liked the Bourne movies, even the shaky cam one (part 2). But without Matt Damon, I kind of knew that this latest edition would be hard pressed to live up to it's predecessors. I've been down with Jeremy Renner since 28 Weeks Later and I will watch Rachel Weisz teach a pottery class for 8 hours. So those two alone had me down to see this movie but when I saw Tony Gilroy was writing and directing it that was the clincher for me even though I had my doubts about Tony as an action director. Well just like with Michael Clayton he doesn't dumb down the material at all for the masses and he allows important plot points time to develop and be revealed to the viewer. And his action scenes are actually done fairly well with absolutely no shaky cam. This story is really about the birth of another Jason Bourne but they do some pretty cool mixing in of the plot from the Bourne Ultimatum as a treat for the loyal fans. But you by no means have to see the 3rd Bourne to get this movie so don't worry.
Renner does a nice job of adding another dimension to the perfect killing machine. While Damon was awesome, it was refreshing to see someone emote a bit in this movie. But with that said there was way too much yelling. At times it felt like watching that awful Sopranos season where it took Tony and Carmela 12 episodes to finally break up.
If you have never seen or read the Bourne series, just know it's not like watching a James Bond flick but more like watching the government try and fail miserably at medically enhancing and brain washing elite soldiers in an attempt to create a 007 and witnessing the fall out from it. And this movie is more of the same. The combination of good writing, acting, and action makes this movie pretty FRESH! Now I'm off to go find my very own Rachel Weisz!
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