Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Captain America: Brave New World

I’m quickly approaching the age where people often say to themselves, “You know what, his mind is actually pretty sharp and he’s still able to live on his own; that’s so great to see!” And they then smile, wave and toss me a Werther’s Original before jetting off to their 5-star skiing vacation while thinking to themselves, “Man, I really hope he doesn’t die before we get back!”. And thankfully no, I’m not sick or anything, I’m just old and this is how people see me now!

So, knowing that this sad sentiment is out there, I figure it’s high time I find myself someone to take care of me before there’s some sad singing and flower brining at my apparently soon to be funeral. But I regularly find myself getting outplayed by this 50 year old dude who hangs out at Voldstead Lounge with all the youngins!

The first time I saw him I kind of giggled to myself because this guy literally looks like the real life version of Jeffrey Lebowski (The Big Lebowski); his hair is thinning, he’s out of shape and he’s stoned out of his mind. He’d wear his robe to the bar if it would pass dress code but thankfully for everyone involved, it doesn’t. But the more I watched this oddball, the more I realized that I had to step my game up. In the midst of this weekly crazy dance party, this old dude has dozens of people, including cute girls, flock to him and just hang around him for hours on end. And why, you may ask? Because he’s smokes everyone out; that’s why! He has a pocket full of blunts that he puts in constant rotation! There’s always a cloud of smoke and smoking hot women around this old burnout, meanwhile there’s me, the stereotypical angry Black man, just sitting the corner staring at them brimming with jealousy! Damn you Lebowski! If I weren’t Black and wouldn’t be thrown under the jail for 40 years, I’d match your clever play but alas I am Black and I don’t smoke weed!

So, I figure what I need is a spark; something that will shift the tide my way! I need something that will make the ladies flock to me like those old rich European women flock to Gambia every summer to get completely destroyed by the huge African Mandingos there! This is a real thing by the way. Women do fly to that part of Africa just to get banged by Africans and then fly back to their husbands or boyfriends who spent their summers getting blackout drunk in the pubs while banging each other, I assume. And I know what you’re thinking and yes, I did apply for citizenship to Gambia but the waitlist is crazy long!

So, in the meantime, I have to settle for the world being exposed to a Black Captain America! Come on Anthony Mackie, my hopes for finding a future mate are in your hands! We need enough racist white dudes to tweet, “Not MY Captain America!” to get white guilt back in the air so thick that white women flock to me with the hopes of paying me their version of reparations! The days of 40 acres and a mule are long gone, give me 40-24-40!

So, needless to say, I was there opening weekend. Now, I’ve basically been out on Marvel films since they dropped back to back flops in the last Ant-Man and Thor movies but as far as I can tell, Brave New World picks up a few years after Sam Wilson officially becomes the new Captain America. He has his own sidekick now in Joaquin Torres who is trying to learn the ropes when it comes to being the new Falcon. And they’re both trying to work with the new President, Thaddues Ross (Harrison Ford) who was once a lead military general who tried to take out both the Hulk and Abomination after their spat become a security issue for the entire world. However, the thing is, the Hulk, or Bruce Banner, was Ross’s daughter’s love interest at the time and trying to kill your daughter’s boyfriend doesn’t sit all that well with them from what I hear. So, needless to say, their relationship was rather strained as a result. And this obviously had a negative impact on how Ross viewed the Avengers.

But, after Cap and Falcon retrieve some stolen Adamantium (a metal alloy stronger than Vibranium) which was about to hit the black market, Ross decides to invite them to the White House in hopes that their brave act will be the much needed spark to get the leaders of the world to sign a global peace treaty. Well, once there, something odd happens and there is an attempt on Ross’s life. This not only puts the treaty on hold but now Ross no longer trusts Cap or any of his friends and Cap is now in a race to figure out what caused this assassination attempt before a world war breaks out over this new metal.

The plot sounds rather simple and refreshingly so I might add. For years Marvel has been caught up in these convoluted stories about the multi-verse and broken timelines and they spent so much time trying to explain how these things we were actually possible that they forgot to A. make the stories entertaining, B. have any direction whatsoever in regards to where they were ultimately going with these stories C. make the multi-verse actually cool and D. give us a badass villain with awesome superpowers.

So, they decided to dumb things down a bit and just gave us cool action scenes and a Red Hulk who jacks stuff up at the end. Anthony Mackie is becoming more and more comfortable as Cap and they made his suit and use of the shield the highlight of the story. Wakanda made his wings out of Vibranium for him so there’s all sorts of creative ways he can take on multiple guys with machine guns seeing as how he doesn’t have any actual superpowers himself. And this includes a really cool shootout scene with Sidewinder which comes close to being as cool as the shootout scene Sam Jackson had in The Winter Soldier Captain America movie.

Now, one of the main complaints is that the story relies on you remembering everything that happened in the 2008 Hulk film which was 17 years ago. And before the Red Hulk appears on the screen your main villain is some short weird looking dude whose head looks like a chemically damaged ball sack but heck, I forgot that the 2008 Hulk was actually Ed Norton and not the guy from Black Hawk Down and I still had zero issues following what was going on.

What I hope Marvel begins to realize is that, to a certain extent, it’s okay if their movies don’t all lead up to one huge battle with a Thanos or Kang the Conqueror after a series of films. As long as their movies focus on the main Avenger characters and they provide us with an actually cool villain who can wreck shop is memorable and thrilling ways, we’ll be happy. It’s just when they start focusing on the side characters that no one cares about i.e. Agatha the witch, Vision, or Wanda’s children that they lose us. Listen, I love Masta Killer and Inspectah Deck but only because they’re a part of Wu-Tang as a whole; no one really cares about their solo albums or tours. Well, the same applies here! Keep giving us the biggest stars.

And that’s why this film worked so well: Captain America vs. Red Hulk, lots of cool actions scenes, simple plot, and just enough funny jokes to keep things light.

This wasn’t the best film in the Marvel catalog but I certainly was entertained by it. And it’s because of this that I now have hope when it comes to finding my future wife! Game recognize game Black Captain America and you’re looking rather familiar right now! I give Brave New World a rating of FRESH!  

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