Mr Muthafukin Exquire. The name alone should grab your attention. And if that doesn't then his video Huzzah which has a chick booty dancing and I mean BOOTY dancing with a gun in her g string should. I was watching this for the first time at work and couldn't take my eyes off of it. It's amazing I'm still employed. But Huzzah reminds you of old school hip hop. A fun party song that isn't all about the watches and cars that he has.
But he can also drop some twisted and ghetto intelligent rhymes. Kind of refreshing. Outside of Goodie MOB, Outkast, and Jay Electronica it's kind of rare these days. As far as his shows go, as I was walking to see The Good and The Bad I passed by this hip hop show that seemed hype! Of course there were 20 of them on stage but I felt so stupid for passing it up. Well as it usually goes at SX I walked into another venue 2 hours later and on stage was the same hype act performing the same song I heard earlier and it was Esquire! Yes!!! I knew I made the right choice and he was actually on time!!! Too good to be true. You can tell that he's hungry, and that's not a snap about his weight, but rather a comment on how much energy he brings and how happy he felt to be a part of the festival. No sense of entitlement here. The crowd was definitely feeling him, especially after he explained to us how he drove 36 hours to party down here with us. When he's done dropping mix tapes and actually does an album, scoop it up. And make sure you see him perform live; if for nothing else, to see a chubby black man stage dive in the crowd. Esquire is definitely FRESH!
Next up is Flux Pavillion. I must say that I am not on the dub stage train. I just dont get it. Some of it I like but after a while it just seems like I could learn to make this music in 5 minutes. So when I saw that Flux was playing right after Santigold, I wasn't that excited. I mean, I knew that Kanye and Jay Z sampled his song I Can't Stop (def check out both Kanye's and Flux's version) and his song Bass Cannon had me reluctantly bobbing my head but I figured after a while I'd get bored. Haa! Was I ever wrong! This was easily one of the best shows I've ever seen at SXSW. And it's not like Girl Talk where he just presses a button from song to song, he is actually up there spinning and mixing! This felt like the biggest house party ever! I was completely caught off guard because he walks on stage as this normal British kid who looks like he lives in parents basement! And I think our enthusiasm caught him off guard because he kept repeating "this is so magical, you guys are awesome". His music is definitely dub step but he before he got into this style he was a hip hop and jazz musician so you can feel some of those elements mixed in his music. There is definitely a hip hop feeling to some of his songs and he knows how to mix his songs to keep the party going. Also check out Got 2 Know and Hold Me Close. I definitely rate Flux as FRESH!!!
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