Remember when you were in your mid to late 20’s and it
seemed as though all of your friends were getting married? You didn’t mind the
fact that every bachelor party was in Las Vegas or if the ceremony just so happened to be a
destination wedding; all that meant was you had the opportunity to get laid
on a beach while people shouted random things at you in a foreign language. “Oui
Oui! Oui Oui!” That’s French for “Bang away Black man! Bang away!” Or something
like that. What can I say, the French are some freaky voyeuristic pervs! And for the
record, I was never cool enough to have sex on a French beach but I do get
mistaken for L.L. Cool J all of the time, so maybe I can convince my girlfriend
to reenact the Pink Cookies in a Plastic Bag or Doin It video with me one day
while we’re traveling in the South of France (sorry Mrs. Phillips).
Anyway, I have a bachelor party coming up in a few weeks and
we’re flying out to San Francisco for it. Now most people go out to San Fran to
drink wine or to dress up in sparkly rhinestone while flying their freaky flag for
the first time but not us; we’re going to go on a brewery tour. No joke! We’re
flying to the wine capital of the U.S. to drink beer! My buddy just sent me the
itinerary and literally 12 hours of each day involves drinking at a brewery.
There’s not even any time set aside for food, just beer! Oh, but there is one
exception, and that’s for us all to go on a tour of Alcatraz. That’s right, THE
Alcatraz!!! This is a prison that’s on an island all by itself and is world
renowned as the prison that only Sean Connery could break out of. “Welcome to
the Rock!”
So, in case you haven’t figured out by now, I am a Black
man. Why on earth would I ever voluntarily go to prison? I feel like this whole
trip is a trap! It’s like when they told my African brothers back in the day
that they were giving free swimming lessons off the coast of Cape Town; next
thing you know we’re in America singing Old Negro Spirituals while working in
the fields! No thanks guys, I’m good!
Well the same can be said for me going to see a movie about
Black cops. Sure, this was an okay idea over 22 years ago but now it just seems
like a bad propaganda film. “See! Not all cops are bad! We like Black people”
If I signed up to be a cop today, all my friends and family
members would immediately disown me, unless of course I looked like Will Smith.
Big Willy Style somehow transcends all barriers even if he did dabble in
Scientology for a bit. And it’s because of Will Smith that I decided to break
down and check out Bad Boys for Life. I figured
that after a 12-year run of average to below average films, he was due to
deliver another hit. How could he let, what is by far his best franchise go up
in flames? So, I decided to look past the fact that Martin Lawrence looked like
a fat grandpa and popped in on opening night. And boy am I thankful that I did!
The first 15 minutes or so will have you rolling your eyes
as it’s full of lame jokes that are clearly retread but once Mike Lowry (Smith)
gets gunned down on the strip of South Beach, you know that it’s officially on!
What intrigued me was the film’s main villain, the super sexy yet spooky Isabel
Aretas. She breaks out of a Mexican prison in the most spectacular of ways,
even if it doesn’t fully make sense, and she immediately goes on a revenge tour
with her son, Armando. Her plan is to kill everyone who not only had something to
do with her being locked up but who also had a hand in the death of her husband,
the head of a deadly Mexican cartel. This includes the judge, the D.A., private
investigators and of course Mike Lowry. Now Mike’s involvement isn’t fully
revealed until much later in the film but once they do expose you to what his actual
role was, you see that this film is more than just a money grab for the studio.
The writers took this film seriously and added a worthy chapter to the Bad Boys
story. They kept the overall spirit of the previous films by putting the focus
on the ride or die bond that exists between Mike and Marcus. And of course, they
were sure to include beautiful shots of South Beach, the beautiful women who
stroll around South Beach, and the over the top action scenes which typically
end with a slow motion shot of the carnage that multiple gun shots and
explosions usually leave behind.
Since Martin Lawrence is basically a pudgy gnome at this
point and Will Smith is 50 years old, they did have to bring in some younger
blood to provide the crazy stunts that we’ve become accustomed to. So, enter
the previously mentioned Armando, who is basically a Latin ninja, and Mike and
Marcus’s supporting cop unit who is led by one of Mike’s exes in Rita. While the
younger team is annoying at times, there is some pretty good back and forth
banter that occurs between the older and the younger generation.
And this is the role that Martin Lawrence plays so well, the
comic relief. Since he can’t move around that much anymore, he basically just
cracks joke after hilarious joke, none of which I will spoil for you now. But
just know that there were quite a few times where he had me laughing at an embarrassingly
high volume. And this is what you want in a Bad Boys film – comedy, action, and
beautiful people at every turn. By the time Marcus was gunning down bad guys
with an arsenal of weapons from a side car, I knew this would be an instant
Don’t let the cheesy previews fool you; this movie is
definitely worth watching. And by the time you leave the theater, you will be
singing Puff Daddy’s “We aint, going nowhere, we aint, going nowhere, we can’t
be stopped now, cuz it’s bad boys for life”. I am giving this movie a rating of

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