People, women especially, tend to go nuts over certain celebrities for brief periods of time and if you don't share their same feelings about this particular person then you immediately get the "well you just lost any chance of having sex with me" look. And trust me when I say that I've seen that look far too many times in my lifetime! There is no recovering from that; you may as well just take your drink and go sit in the corner with your dunce hat on while you suck your thumb and reevaluate your life! I will never forget the person who threatened to kill my parents after I made a slightly offensive remark in regards to Shirley Manson (the lead singer of Garbage). My parents?!?! Really???
Anyway, Hollywood tried everything within its power to keep me from seeing this movie. They proudly led every preview with the atrocious tagline "From the guy that brought you Bridesmaids" (something else that's kept me from getting laid from time to time), they pegged Judd Apatow to direct it, and they put the lame and ineffectual LeBron James in it; as if I was a 13 year old sports nerd who'd run out to see this movie simply because a guy who plays basketball with a spray tan on his forehead had one or two awful one liners in it.
I will say this about James, if you are a guy who happens to get tricked into seeing this movie, the scene where he plays Bill Hader one on one in basketball is clearly one of the highlights. But maybe I shouldn't use the word tricked as this was actually a fairly enjoyable film.
The first hour or so is straight from the mind of Amy; it's like you're watching one of her stand-ups being acted out right in front of you. From the awful speech her dad gives her and her little sister about monogamy to her pretending to be asleep after a guy goes down on her and she "gets hers", you feel as though you are watching the birth of the next Gilda Radner. And for those of you who are too young to know who that is, go download some old SNL episodes or rent the movie The Woman in Red (mmm Kelly LeBrock).
But sadly, after a while Apatow starts to put his hand prints all over this film. Every one of his movies are at least 30 minutes too long and they all involve far too much crying and/or yelling. He's never satisfied with just making you laugh, he feels as though comedies should be reflective of real life. And I get that but please save that nonsense for the Lifetime channel; we came to see Amy get drunk and cheat on guys.
Well she does do plenty of that, almost to the point of being unlikeable, but after meeting the nice and down to earth sports doctor Aaron, she finally begins to face her fear of commitment. Does she actually put herself out there or should she just retreat back to the beds of her nameless and faceless victims?
As I mentioned earlier, the first 60-90 minutes of this film are exactly what Schumer fans came to see but the last 30 dissolves into your typical run of the mill romantic comedy; complete with dance numbers and unrealistic scenarios.
Overall this movie is not a bad intro into Hollywood for Schumer and I truly believe that she will take off after this. Just do yourself a favor and start making out around the hour and a half mark and you will leave feeling good about yourself! I rate this movie as FRESH!
(Editor's note: Kelly really does think that Amy Schumer is pretty darn funny. I feel as though he lost a few of you with his earlier comment)
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