Inside Out takes you into the mind of young Riley, an 11 year old girl who seems to have everything going right for her; she has a loving family, great friends, and even a budding hockey career. All of her emotions appear to be in check as Joy reigns supreme and is in charge of all of her other emotions which include Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger. Well one day Riley is forced to leave her home in Minnesota and move to San Francisco because her father got a new job, and from the very second they arrive all of her emotions begin to get out of whack.
Her emotions are portrayed as these little beings who live in her head that accurately reflect their particular state (i.e. anger or fear) and each one of them at some point controls how Riley reacts to her surroundings via a giant joystick in her brain. Well after the move to San Francisco, Joy and Sadness somehow get lost in her mind and it’s up to them to find their way back to the main control center in her brain before things really get out of control.
Going into this movie, I was told that there were going to be plenty of gut wrenching moments and that I would cry for the last 20 minutes straight. And while I wasn’t quite balling in the theater, I did find myself getting a bit misty eyed at a few moments. You find yourself getting attached to some of the new characters Joy and Sadness run into and you, along with Joy, begin to realize that your body truly does need every emotion you experience on a daily basis.
There are plenty of goofy moments for both kids and adults, which is the true mark for great family film. When Joy and Sadness enter the Imagination Zone or the Dream World, the writers go deep enough to entertain and grab the attention of the adults while at the same time keep things silly enough for the kids to laugh at and enjoy as well. And sadly I found myself giggling more at the stuff that was intended for the six year olds than the 36 year olds but you should have been able to figure that out by now from my writing style.
I honestly can’t wait to see this movie again so that I can catch some of the stuff I missed the first time around; the writers really do explore quite a bit of the mind and how it works. Plus all of the cartoon characters are really cute and I can see them being a big hit once Halloween comes around this year. Inside Out is a smart, funny, and enjoyable ride for everyone and I suggest that you pop in. I rate this movie as very FRESH!

I can't wait to see this now! I love to be giddy, but I'm certainly in touch with all my emotions!