Now why it took Ridley Scott so long to make this prequel, who knows. I've heard a number of reasons but my guess is that after working with Tom Cruise on Legend, you'd want to get as far away from science fiction as humanly possible too! I'm sure that Cruise spent most of his downtime on set floating above ground in his Xenu state striking random extras with his hydrogen bombs. But the point is, Scott is back doing what he does best in my opinion. I dont want to give away too much of the story but basically the movie starts off with some alien (we assume) who looks like a cross between Powder and Stone Cold Steve Austin drinking some substance which not only kills him but disintegrates his body, followed by a spacecraft leaving him. Next they shoot over to Earth in the distant future where we see Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) discover yet another cave painting that points to what they believe is the origin of mankind on Earth. And once they discover another solar system that is similar to ours and a planet that can sustain human life, they head there believing that they will find our creators to answer the numerous questions they have about why they created us and how we got here. But once the crew gets to this planet, they discover that there are all sorts of hidden dangers there and that this planet may not be what they initially thought it was. Plus it appears that everyone that is a part of the crew has their own agenda. David, who is played wonderfully by Michael Fassbender, is the robot created by Waylend(the money behind the expedition) to help them in communicating with the aliens. However the entire movie he is creepy and calculating and you never quite know who's side he's on and whether he is aiding in the hell that is about to break loose or if he indeed is trying to help find the answers they came looking for. David is by far the most interesting character and is basically a modern day version of HAL. Again, I dont want to give away too much of the story but just know that this is indeed a prequel to Alien and by the way the story is written it works well not only in that regard but it's a movie that can really stand on it's own. Plus they dont pull a Spielberg. And by that I mean they don't spell everything out for you. Not everything is wrapped up in a nice and neat little package and you end up having to figure out for yourself what really happened and why. Scott and the writers take their time telling the story to help you get a feel for the characters and setting up the creepy mood and tone of the film.
In the end, it's just refreshing to see a sci fi flick with so much thought put into it. And to actually have the backing of Hollywood to put good writers, directing , and acting in it. Do yourself a favor and pay the 3D money to see it, there are quite a few scenes in it that just wouldn't be nearly as cool in 2D. I definitely rate this movie as kind of TIGHT and would suggest that you go see it as soon as possible before the weekend of idiotfest is upon us in Rock of Ages and That's My Boy.
Some of my problems with Prometheus:
1) Sending a trillion dollar spaceship to an unknown planet and then immediately landing (somehow right onto the center of the "strip")without any research or robotic surveillance.
2) Immediately sending people to nearest structure without any research or robotic surveillance.
3) "Scientist" taking off spacesuit within 20 minutes of searching forbidding alien structure.
4) Android somehow knowing how to activate holographic projector of running aliens.
5) Man who gets infected with disintegration goo virus somehow transfers a tentacle monster into girlfriend with his disintesperm. How the hell did that make sense?
6) Mohawk geologist guy randomly shows up as semi-invincible zombie for no reason, and he's angry too!
7) Charlize Theron gets crushed by gigantic spaceship in touching ode to Weird Al's UHF. Then again maybe she was a replicant, and we all know replicants can only run in straight lines.
Those were a few of my issues with Prometheus. I know the argument is that I'm nitpicking an action sci-fi movie, but I expect something less ridiculous as far as believability in my far-future made up space stories. That said it was fun to watch and I'll probably see it again.
Also, check this out if you think I spent too much time thinking about this movie:
ReplyDeleteHaa while funny keep in mind its science FICTION!! Not based off of a true story. Plus robotic surveillance wouldnt have changed the atmosphere like the humans did, so the same things wouldve happened. And the movie was already 2 hours long, did you really want for them to add another 30 minuties of them traveling over the globe looking for a strip and having robots move around for no reason? Plus David spent 2 years learning their language from the research they had. And the contagion imbibed was clearly an evolving agent. Just saying man. Thanks for reading and commenting. I know not everyone will like this movie or agree with me...but they should. :)
Well I just didn't think it was perfect. It actually reminded me a lot of Sunshine- beautifully filmed, cool premise, made you think, enjoyable. Then a zombie shows up at the end! I guess that's a sci-fi staple now. At least Prometheus didn't turn into shaky-cam-fest like Sunshine, but then again, Rose Byrne is way hotter than Noomi Rapace.