For example, the song Guillotine by the Death Grips was just the kick I needed. I never knew the name of the group, just that of the drummer. And since I grew up teaching myself the drums to the first DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince album I like to think of myself as a drummer. So I was pumped to go see Zach Hill play just based off of what I had heard about him. I also heard that the guy rapping (Burnett) was ok too. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. First of all they were playing in this converted car garage and it was packed with hard core hip hop heads fresh off of a Kill Whitey party. I just found out about this phenomenon myself. If you like making fun of hipsters, check it out.
But everyone was really hyped and knew every song. Their music is grimy, gully, experimental hip hop. It's just raw drums, a few keys mixed in, and Burnett tearing it up on the mic with some of the most random lyrics I've ever heard. While he brings tons of positive energy, he also looks like he's going to snap at any second and beat up everyone in the place. Maybe it's this element that keeps you glued to the stage, simply for the fact that you don't want to get knocked out and wake up later wearing a mask with a ball stuffed in your mouth. Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead! Check these guys out if you want something different than Get Yo Swag On. I would rate them as kind of FRESH!
Another act that I also saw at Fun Fun Fun Fest was Purity Ring. Strangely enough it was in the same converted garage that I saw Death Grips. They are a two piece band from Canada with a female vocalist (James) and a guy (Roddick) on the keys. What bests describes their music is synth pop that you can dance to. James's voice isnt over powering but it's beautiful enough to grab your attention as you find your self pop locking to the beats. Hopefully for you, you are seeing them play in night club of some sort because the two seem to go hand in hand. All that's missing is some good old 80's gender bending and you've got yourself a party. Check out Lofticires and Bellspeak for yourself and see if you're into it. For me, I had a good time and would recommend checking them them out one night if you're bored. Until I hear their album that's coming out this year I would list them as kind of WEAK, but trending towards freshness.
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