Which bring me to New Build. When I first read that they were coming to SX I told everyone in shouting distance about them. Former LCD Soundsystem and Hot Chip members forming a supergroup??? How could this be bad? And when I heard Do You Not Feel Loved, I was a dancing fool. I was thinking, all they need is for James Murphy to pop in on a few songs and we've got the white version of the Spinners (Spaceballs!! Watch out!!). But then I heard a few more songs and was a litle underwhelmed. Did they blow their L on this one song??? Didn't matter, I had a full head of steam heading into their show. And even though I was on my last leg for that night I patiently waited for what seemed like an hour long sound check for them to get started but overall I'm glad I did. They have alot of energy, seem to enjoy playng with each other, and are all pretty good musicians. While their recorded stuff seems kind of blah, it's a fun live show. If you have never heard of either band, its dance rock music. Hot Chip is more on the side of pop dance and this is the sound that New Build leans towards. While I wouldn't recommend buying their album, if they come to your town definitely pay the $18 to see them just so you can dance to songs like Medication and Misery Loves Company. I would say that overall they are slightly weak. Chek them out for yourself.
If you like it you can obviously get it here
This isnt a band I can't let go of but more of a sound that I am sad I missed out on on. Puffy Areolas is a band full of raw high energy that combines punk, hardcore, and psychedelic music. I hate when people write this kind of a description for a band because it's rarely true but in this case it is. I had no idea what to expect when I walked into Valhalla except for cheap drinks and chicks who would probably wear razorblades in their hair for the pit that was sure to form. But I can honestly say that I didn't get what I was expecting and that actually turned out to be a good thing. The lead singer looks like Lorenz Tate in Dead Presidents and they even have a sax player who I couldnt tell you what he looked like because his hair was flying the entire time. Eventhough there were only like 10 people at the show they destroyed it like they were headlining an arena. They used every part of the bar for their show even running outside on the curb at times playing guitar solos and screaming lyrics at drunk people walking by. Do yourself a favor and see these guys when they come to town! Good to see some black guys rocking out that are not named Fishbone. These guys are pretty fresh.

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